Jenny Rolfe
Naturally Classical (author of ‘Ride From the Heart’, Breathe Life into Your Riding’ and ‘A Spiritual Path for the Classical Rider’)
Clive has been working with my stallions over many years now.
Each horse has come with his own set of problems which affected both his comfort and balance within movement.
Clive has shown the patience of a saint with every horse.
He always has TIME to help each stallion feel relaxed and chilled and quietly over a period of time, Clive has totally transformed the balance and health within every hoof!!.
I have also been fortunate to have Clive offer his voice of experience to my own students, within my Workshops.
I teach the importance of a Holistic approach for balance and harmony – and for the horse so much begins with the balance within each hoof.
Thank you so much Clive , for your wisdom and also your infinite patience, especially with my iconic stallion Delfin- as he was getting older -- it was a privilege to watch you work with him!
Dawn Westcott
Dawn Westcott - Exmoor Pony Project and Holtball Herd 11
Some years ago, we decided to go completely barefoot and, for our horses and Exmoor ponies who had been shod for years, this required a careful, patient and skilled transition. Clive has seen us through that entire process and today, he also takes care of the feet for our Exmoor Pony Project.
This means he is dealing with many Exmoor ponies, from foals to veterans, and stallions, mares, geldings, colts and fillies. They are at various stages of socialisation - from completely unhandled through to tame and trusting. They also display a wide range of characters - and feet.
Clive is knowledgable, patient and good-natured when dealing with the ponies, particularly when introducing semi-feral youngsters to the idea of having their feet trimmed. This requires an intuitive understanding of body language, energy connection and spatial awareness, around highly sensitive ponies, along with all the hoof care skills.
Clive is also a great person to discuss the wider care, management and diet that affects the feet and he will always look at ‘the whole horse’ - not just the feet. A great example is how our Arabians have evolved to be not just barefoot, but also rugless all-year-round, resulting in glowing health, vitality and continued free-movement as they get older.
We encounter the unexpected, unwanted and imperfections and issues with hoof care, just like anyone else. But I have to say that Clive makes it a great deal easier to stay on top of things with a multi-herd set up like ours.
I can highly recommend him.
photo courtesy of Kirsten Bruns
Rebeccah Baylis from Little Green Stables
Clive has been our barefoot trimmer for several years. During this time with Clive's support we have successfully transitioned two of our horses to the barefoot lifestyle (the rest of the herd have always been barefoot) He has a wealth of knowledge that he is keen to share and educate us as horse owners. It's always a pleasure learning and developing our knowledge and thoughts together. Clive is a gentleman and a Jedi in his field.
Rebeccah Baylis from Little Green Stables.
Cathy Powell
Hi Clive and Jill.
Just thought you might like to add this testimonial to your new website - hope it helps.
“You can't possibly go barefoot over Exmoor!” …. I used to hear on many occasions, and even now after 8 years of barefoot riding, others comment that 'it might be ok for native breeds, but my thoroughbred could never go barefoot!'
We currently have 13 different horses in the yard, some youngsters, some in retirement, some at livery and laminitic recovery, and a team of hard working, hard footed horses that ride the equivalent of Everest in August – every day over the hills, along the tracks, through stony ground, and soft cantering paths - two thoroughbreds, two sports horses, Appaloosas and a range of others including a young Andalucian all of which ride barefoot with no boots on.
Clive has led us through this amazing journey over the past eight years with his knowledge and skill in barefoot trimming, emphasising that it is not just a matter of taking the shoes off, that daily management and diet play a huge role in the transition and keeping barefoot horses, in balance, muscle structure and in optimum health.
This summer has shown that their feet do not 'get worn down' by road work or hard stony tracks – indeed with daily stony hill work, road work and a good diet their feet have grown even more than ever before, and Clive's work with our horses is invaluable, keeping them in balance and promoting happy healthy horses!!
Cathy Powell – 'Barefoot Exmoor'; Exmoor Riding, Allerford, nr Porlock, Minehead. www.exmoor-riding.co.uk

Daisy Parker
Clive first introduced me to the idea of barefoot 10 years ago with my veteran TB who couldn’t keep shoes on for more than 2 weeks. He was my last resort for her and now he’s my absolute first port of call for any hoof related issue! He has been invaluable in supporting me with my Shetland with metabolic issues meaning we are always at risk of laminitis and in transitioning my 8yr old Percheron x who now has rock crunching bare feet all round (despite a previous farrier saying he’d never cope). Clive’s knowledge, attitude and passion for horses is so reassuring and he always takes the time to explain what he’s doing and why.
His holistic approach to diet, environment and exercise alongside the trim gives you the very best chance to make barefoot work for you and more importantly your horse.