My Journey

My Journey

I started my journey into barefoot quite a few years ago now. But turned professional in 2010.

I had spent several years before this learning my craft. But at this point I plucked up courage, and left my career as an area sales manager, in order to fulfill my dream.

I use the word "craft" after much thought and deliberation. Having spent a large part of my life in and around engineering and engineering sales I appreciate the difference between the precision of engineering and crafts such as wood sculpture and cabinet making that involve working with once living, constantly changing materials.

Horses' feet go one step futher. They are still alive!

My name is Clive Ponsford and I have lived in Devon all my life. I haven't always been into horses it is something that I was introduced to by my wife. I guess it was one of those things you start, not knowing where it will lead. I never dreamed it would lead to a new career and obsession with the equine foot. I like to think I give a friendly face to hoofcare, my clients will tell you that "I am almost cheerful".

I believe in looking at the whole horse and not just the foot, this forms part of a talk I sometimes give on the "balance of the equine foot". I try and understand as much as I can about the equine foot and horses in general. As every part of the horse is linked you never know where the answer to a problem may lie.

I am lucky to have a large and wonderful client base who support me, and trust me with their horses. Over the years I have learned as much from my clients as they have from me.